Sunday, August 31, 2014

Freedom Tower and Plaza - 911 Museum - August 2014

The Highline - New York City - August 2014

Powder Room Renovation is Officially Complete.

"Wandering" is why
this renovation took over 2 years.
(That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Grand Canyon - Route 66 (kinda) - June 2014

Fisherman on cliff in Santa Cruz, CA
 A canyon
Very grand indeed 
 Female elk - don't seem to mind being around people
What's with this picture?

 Look closely and you can see an elk grazing by the roadside
 Standin' on a Corner
In Winslow Arizona

 Santa Fe, New Mexico

 "Blue Hole" in Santa Rosa, New Mexico

 Cadillac Ranch outside Amarillo, TX

Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial Site  
Tulsa Drillers game in Tulsa, OK

 Laura Ingalls Wilder home
  Mansfield, Missouri

 Springfield, Illinois

Honest Abe
 Abe's final resting place